111. With Twisted Head / Mit verdrehtem Kopf

The cane and gallows, or higher jurisdiction, lay with the sovereign, formerly with the Counts of Werdenberg, later with the bailiff of Glarus.

It was a peculiar right here that criminals were not allowed to be led across the territory of the small town; for them there was the “Schelmenwegli” (Rogues’ Path), the steep path leading up from Lims to the castle.

On this path, at certain times, one encounters a tall, lean man riding a white horse. The head, however, is turned and looks backwards; on it sits a large floppy hat adorned with a feather.

Heinrich Hilty.

Mit verdrehtem Kopf

Stock und Galgen oder die höhere Gerichtsbarkeit standen beim Landesherrn, also ehemals bei den Grafen von Werdenberg, später bei dem Glarner Landvogt.

Es war hier ein eigentümliches Recht, dass Verbrecher nicht über das Gebiet des Städtchens geführt werden durften; für sie bestand das “Schelmenwegli”, das von Lims aus steil zum Schlosse hinaufführt.

a steep path leading up to a Swiss castle. There is a tall, lean man whose head is turned and looks backwards; on it sits a large floppy hat adorned with a feather. He is riding a horse. – Midjourney 6.0

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